Dated 11 March 2025

On 11 March 2025, investors in Phoenix Film Partners LLP were sent communications regarding the payment of distributions and the availability of a distribution statement on myIngenious.

As applicable, an email was also sent from with a secure link to enable investors to confirm their identity and address as we are required to refresh our checks due to regulatory requirements.

The link will take you to GBG Group, which is a market-leading identity verification provider. Please see their website for further information: GBG | Identity Verification and Fraud Prevention Solutions (

Investors who have opted to receive hard-copy correspondence have been sent a letter with the necessary documents to complete as necessary.

You can find more details about how we treat your information here:

If you have any questions, please email with the subject Identity Information Process.

Dated 4 February 2025 and 26 February 2025

On 4 February 2025 and 26 February 2025, investors in Inside Track Productions LLP, Inside Track 2 LLP and Inside Track 3 LLP were sent communications regarding the payment of distributions and the availability of a distribution statement on myIngenious.

As applicable, an email was also sent from with a secure link to enable investors to confirm their identity and address as we are required to refresh our checks due to regulatory requirements.

The link will take you to GBG Group, which is a market-leading identity verification provider. Please see their website for further information: GBG | Identity Verification and Fraud Prevention Solutions (

Investors who have opted to receive hard-copy correspondence have been sent a letter with the necessary documents to complete as necessary.

You can find more details about how we treat your information here:

If you have any questions, please email with the subject Identity Information Process.

Dated 17 October 2024 and 26 February 2025

On 17 October 2024 and 26 February 2025, investors in Ingenious Film Partners LLP and Ingenious Film Partners 2 LLP were sent communications regarding the payment of distributions and the availability of a distribution statement on myIngenious.

An email was also sent from with a secure one-use link to enable investors to confirm their identity and address as we are required to refresh our checks due to regulatory requirements.

This is a one-use secure link which will expire – please only click on it when you are ready to submit your documents. If the link expires, please email us and we will generate a new link within 24 hours.

The link will take you to GBG Group who are a market-leading identity verification provider. Please see their website for further information: GBG | Identity Verification and Fraud Prevention Solutions (

Investors who have opted to receive hard copy correspondence have been sent a letter with the necessary documents to complete.

You can find more details about how we treat your information here:

If you have any questions, please email with the subject Identity Information Process.

myIngenious is our online portal where Ingenious investors and their advisers can view all the investments they have with Ingenious in one place. You can see up to date valuation information, investment commentary and any communications we have sent investors via email or post.

All investors and their advisers are sent a login for myIngenious upon investment. If you have any trouble logging in or have forgotten your login details, please follow the instructions to reset your credentials on the myIngenious homepage.

Register for myIngenious to access
investment reporting.

myIngenious FAQs

Visit the registration page to register for myIngenious.

Once you have entered your email, you will receive a secure registration link to this email address. Please check your spam and junk folders if this is not visible in your inbox. Click on the link and follow the simple registration steps to set your username and password.

Having trouble registering?

If you find that the emailed registration link does not take you automatically to the registration page, this may be due to your email software. In this situation, please cut and paste the link from the email into your web browser to complete the process.

myIngenious was upgraded in December 2019 and due to security requirements, we require users to register again.

We apologise for the inconvenience, but any previous login details for the original site will no longer work.

Go to the  ‘Documents’ tab at the top right-hand side of the myIngenious screen, you can then apply filters to help you locate specific items relating to your investment(s).

As maintaining the security of client data is of critical importance, we provide all personalised reporting through secure password access rather than by email attachment. However, you can download any of your documentation from myIngenious and send it on via your own email address.

Request an email reminder of your username at any time by submitting your registered email address and following the instructions from the email.

Forgot your password? Request a secure email link to reset it by submitting your registered email address and following the instructions from the email.

  • Log in to myIngenious
  • Click on Account Settings, and then Settings, located at the top of the right side of the screen
  • Edit your details, and click Submit